Patient ‘Feedback’

a.k.a Weird Ass Comments From the Injured.

Girl, 6: “You have fingers like ET”.

Woman, 36: “I know you take the pictures, but I’m guessing you don’t actually understand the x-rays”.

Boy, 9: I hand him a cool ass hulk sticker for being ‘brave’ “Can I have a different one, my teacher says we shouldn’t support anger”.

Man, 30: 03:00 A&E, “You know I’m not going to hurt you, right?” Well, that’s made me feel comfortable.

Man, 48: Abdomen x-ray “I haven’t enjoyed being touched by a woman like that in a long time”.

Woman, 40: Is asked to remove her bra to prevent artefact on a chest x-ray, removes bra … alongside a serious booby stash of twenty-pound notes. Maybe I’m in the wrong profession.

Man, 87: Sir, we need to move you onto a trolley, the doctor wants to have a look at your spine. “My spines fine, I’m just fucking old”. Try responding to that with a straight face.

Man, 48: Looking at my hair “Ah, I’m guessing you had it tough growing up”. For context, I couldn’t be more ginge.

Woman, 98: “Fuck me, your fingers are sharp”.

Man, 25: Football injury “So, how is it being a nurse?”. By this point I have lost the will to live and just reply, “Yeah, great”.

My two leading thoughts:

1) Wtf have I signed up to.

2) Are my hands that weird, because I am starting to develop a complex.


Where the F*ck Did That Year Go?


An ode to my brief nemesis.